Thursday, March 16, 2006

I am again about to leave London for the second time.
But that's too far ahead. I suppose I haven't updated, since, what, Dorchester. So I must fill in the interepistolary period with my memories, thus:

Dorchester night, I had nowhere to sleep, so I hopped a train to Bristol, paying more than I wished but acquiring in the process a still unused return ticket for cheap. I spent two nights in Bristol because, exhausted as I was, not knowing where to go next, that's what I paid for. So I got to know Bristol over the next few days. The film prices are half the rate in London, which is nice, and it's the location of one of the first Methodist meeting-houses outside of Oxford, next to the home of Charles Wesley. But other than that it's a fairly unimpressive port town extending first in twain, like trouser legs, on both sides of a truncated canal then into a main square lined with restaurants and clubs. I grew to detest it, though probably unfairly, because every time I went there it was due to poor travel planning or intractable train times. So anyway, after another night there I went to Cardiff, also because of intractable trains which insisted on being purchased in advance to be reasonably priced, despite my futile pleas to the till jockeys.
This time I liked the city a lot, in fact, I wish I had had more time there, and probably will go back, because Wales is quite beautiful. Cardiff as a city is, meh... There's Cardiff Castle, the Millenium Stadium and a science-cum-arts-cum-history museum and apparently very many nightclubs, as I was informed, but never experienced. From the descriptions, I gather that at ten or eleven o'clock on weekends a flood of terpsichorean flesh leaks out of the buses and restaurants to wriggle in smoke-drenched, overpriced fire marshal's nightmares. As with most large cities.

But I have tended to restrict myself to cinemas and underpopulated pubs, playing snooker perhaps or chatting about local culture and history with the locally-accented locals, as my modus potandi.

Well, I have not permitted myself enough time to finish this now, so I must to the bus for Liverpool, as it leaves in ten minutes.


At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look forward to your next post!!!



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